Microprocessor Simulator (HOMS)

General/Special Purpose register (8bit) - Block A

Circuit connections between Arduino UNO and the seven-segment module

The seven-segment module is based on two 74HC595 ICs. These ICs are shift registers with eight outputs each. For every digit to be displayed, 8bits are transferred serially and thus, few cables are used. When the 74HC595 buffer is full, the corresponding segments are updated. Due to 74HC595 ICs, no refresh is needed if the digits are not changed.

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Associate Professor Dr. Panayotis (Panos) Papazoglou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Dept. of Digital Arts and Cinema

contact: papaz [at] uoa [dot] gr

Copyright © Dr. Panayotis (Panos) Papazoglou & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

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